4th Army Museum

Number 10, Đoc Lap kingroad Di An City,
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Located at 10 Doc Lap Boulevard, Song Than Industrial Park, Di An City, over the past 20 years, the 4th Corps Museum - Heroic Cuu Long Army has become a place for sightseeing, learning and education. for officers, soldiers and people of all walks of life about the heroic tradition of the corps as well as that of the heroic Vietnam People's Army.
With an area of ​​more than 11,000m2, the 4th Army Corps Museum is designed and displayed in a harmonious and reasonable manner, enabling visitors to have an overall and logical view of events and artifacts. In the display area, the interior is arranged according to 10 topics about the process of fighting, building, and growing up of the corps. The outdoor display space is a green campus, lawns, flower beds, ornamental plants, and ornamental creatures. In the center of the campus is the victory monument of the legion. Around the campus, large blocks of artifacts, weapons of our army and people in the war to defend the Fatherland and the spoils obtained from the enemy are displayed around the campus.

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